We believe in preparing serious athletes to perform at their best. This is why casall´s Performance collection is developed in collaboration with professional trainers and specialists. It is a training concept designed to improve strength, endurance and explosiveness for all those who want to take their training to the next level. 


High intensity training or HIIT is actually short sessions of very hard work. You should kick up the intensity and push yourself to your max in every set you do. This has been a popular type of working out the last years and we have developed an assortment that can endure these tougher exercises and help you to push your limits even further.



Functional training is training that has a purpose, the purpose might be to get stronger in their everyday movement patterns, that might be to lift your child or even to become better at your sport. Functional exercises often mimic your natural movements and are therefore often done with free weights.


Exercise, nutrition and mental health are three important factors to live a healthy life. Damla Yaraman has a bakground in psychology and pedagogy, today she works as a nutritionist, a personal trainer and manages her own company TRAIN WITH. With a passion for health and holistic training, Damla has formed her life to be able to help other to reach their full potential when it comes to training and loving themselves. Try her HIIT workout now!

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Boxing is the ultimate training for both body and mind. It increases strength and conditioning, flexibility, and balance. In our collection you’ll find everything you need from boxing gloves, boxing bags, wrist support, and mouth guards. 


Get back on track, stronger, better and faster than ever with tools for recovery and warm up. The concept has been developed specifically for warming up and recovery so that your body can gain the maximum possible benefit from training. It´s a perfect complement to your training, but also for rehab and especially important when you train tougher and harder.