The purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body. Explore our range of award-winning mats, straps, blocks and accessories including this innovative yoga wheel. We have everything you need to build your yoga studio at home - or bring your own mat to the gym.


At Casall, we work on becoming a little bit better today than we were yesterday, every single day. We call this Forever Better, and it shapes everything we do. This means when we create our yoga mats, we go to great lengths to ensure they will perform optimally well, including great grip, cushioning, support, and durability.


The right yoga mat can make a world of difference to your practice.  However, we know that choosing one can seem a bit daunting with all the choices available. We’re here to help with our yoga mat guide.

Visit Yoga mat Guide


Find your zen and bring balance to your life with yoga and pilates, releasing tension and tapping into your inner strength. Yoga focuses your energy and pilates strengthens your abdominal and back muscles, giving you a posture that says "Bring it on". Explore our range of straps, blocks and accessories including this innovative yoga wheel.