As one of the more challenging yoga styles, Ashtanga focuses on deep purification of the body and mind. Powerful movements are the foundation of this practice, and Ashtanga classes are very structured, synchronizing breath with movements to strengthen the core by heating the body from the inside out. Since sweat is a consideration with this aerobic yoga style, we recommend partnering your practice with our quick-drying better high waist tights, and a supportive and comfortable cross-back sports bra, so you can stay focused on your moves and not your clothes.



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Start in warrior 2 position, then you can be sure that your feet are in the right position. Straighten your front leg, pull your hips backwards, make sure that your back is straight and fold over until your back are parallell to the floor, if your right leg is forward come down with your right hand towards your foot. At the same time raise the other arm towards the ceiling, make sure that it is straight and let your gaze follow the same direction. Stay for at least 5 breaths. Repeat the pose on the other side.

Benefits: Great for balance & stability. Strengthens legs and stretches groin, hamstrings and hips. Opens up shoulders and chest. 



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As a counterpose to extended triangle pose - revolved triangle pose is a great exercise to prepare for forward bends and twists. Start in mountain pose, step apart with your feet and raise your arms straight out at the sides, parallell to the floor. Turn your left foot in 45 degrees and the right foot out to 90 degrees. Turn your torso in the same direction and bend forward so your straight back is parallell to the ceiling. Come down with your left hand to the floor and the right arm straight up to the ceiling, let your gaze follow your right arm. Stay for 5 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Benefits: Great for balance & stability. Strengthens legs and stretches groin, hamstrings and hips. Opens up shoulders and chest. 



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Start in a seated position with your knees bent and feet in the floor. Lift your feet from the floor and raise your arms straight infront of you. Balance on your seat and once you find your balance raise you legs straight up infront of you so your body is formed like a V. Stay here for 5 breaths. Take a pause and lift up your bum from the floor, then return back to the pose for another 5 breaths - do this for 5 rounds.

Benefits: Builds core strength. Works your hip flexors and help you to improve your balance. 



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Start in mountain pose and come out with your feet wide apart. Your feet should be parallell to the narrow side of the mat. Place your hands on your hips. Breathe in, straighten your back and as you breathe out fold forward. Come down until your back are parallell to the floor place your fingers in the mat, you can use a block if needed. Don't go further down than you can keep a straight back but if possible continue down towards to the floor. If you want to take this further, raise your arms straight up towards the ceiling as the picture shows.

Benefits: Strengthens and stretches your leg's inside and backside as well as your back.



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Forearm stands is an advanced pose itself but it also helps you to prepare for challenging backbends and arm balances. If you are new to forearm stands you can start by practicing against a wall. Bring your mat to the wall so the narrow side faces the wall, come down on your knees and hands, with your hands quite close to the wall. Go down on your forearms. Come up in a downward facing dog with your legs. Walk you feet in towards your elbows, lift your right leg so it points straight up and back. Bend your other leg and kick up so both legs come up into the air, land against the wall for balance. Your gaze should be down in the floor. Engage your core to find balance. Once you have mastered this try to release one foot from the wall at a time and keep practicising on your balance. With time you will be able to try out different variantions as shown above.

Benefits: Strengthens arms, shoulders, core and back. Improves balance and may help to relieve stress.




Finish off in lotus position. Sit down on the mat with your legs crossed in front of you, if possible place your feet up on your thighs. Your arms should be straight and fingers pointing down, close your eyes. Focus on your breathing - try to breathe in and out through your nose. Stay here for at least 5 circles of breathing and try to breathe as slowly as possible to really come down in pulse.

Benefits: Opens up your mind & helps you to focus inward.