Emely Crona Stenberg

Founder Stockholm

My name is Emely Crona Stenberg, Crona after my mum and Stenberg after my dad. I became an orphan 2015 and is still on this journey getting up and mourning after that; I learn a lot and its challenging. I´m the founder of the female network Heja Livet that at this moment has 85000 members, I grew up in the southern part of Skåne and has a constant desire of the salty water and a thirty minutes car ride to the worlds greatest city, Copenhagen. I'm always anxious, impulsive in my emotional life and just as angry as sad but also sad a lot. I´m gathering the memories and people and love kindness most of all.

What drives you? What does ‘making a difference’ mean to you?

What drives me right now is that I think that if you do something nice for someone, your life becomes more hopeful.

To lift your head, and see where is my help most needed right now. It´s not about how much you do; it´s about THAT you do. It makes a difference to me as well, to make a difference if you offer someone in need your help instead of focusing on yourself all the time.

Tell us a story from your past that has really shaped you. What did you learn?

Like above. When I lost my parents, to be left alone with one foot in adulthood to become later pushed in a roll I haven´t picked myself. I have tried to grow better at trusting myself, that I actually can make good decisions without taking advice from others. To become my own best friend, but I'm far from done. I've only just started.

If you could travel back in time… what piece of advice would to give to yourself ten years ago?

You have all the right to be worried, about precisely everything. It´s going to be hard, but you will make it, and it´s completely fine if you don´t.

What does your morning routine look like? How do you maintain balance in your life? What bio or life hack would you like to share with the world?

Wake up, often with a side of anxiety but firmly confident to change it which I usually do. Check on Facebook, Instagram and emails. I get just as happy every morning about the fact that I bought a french bulldog puppy almost two years ago. She still sleeps in my bed, on my arm, every night. Lifehack – does it exist? If you have a partner, never go to Ikea hungry and laugh just as much as you want even though people try to shut you down.

When are you most happy? Where is your happy place?

Skåne or Copenhagen. Copenhagen alone with myself and memories of when my mother and I had the time of our lives. Skåne together with my family and miles long walks on the beach.

What’s your favorite type of training? Why is training important for you and your career?

I run a lot, not very far but very often. It´s good for the anger that bubbles inside of me and I become pleased doing it. I like running amongst people, trolleys, retired slow people, outside. Makes me feel a part of a world that I keep wondering if it´s real with all the darkness around us. Yoga is good for my stiff body; I´m unbelievably rigid, inflexible but happy!

What’s next? What are your ambitions for the future?

Settling down, be happy about my accomplishments and stop being angry about little things when the world looks like it does.