Anne Line Gjersem

Entrepreneur and World Champion medalist Malmö

My name is Anne Line Gjersem. I’m 24 years old and living in Malmö, Sweden. I have participated in 6 world championships and Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 in figure skating. I’m on my third year of the civil engineering program information and communication science. I am coaching and together with my twin sister we arrange workshop to inspire and share my knowledge in figure skating.

What drives you? What does ‘making a difference’ mean to you?

Progress drives me. I like challenges, setting new goals and working hard to reach them.  When it comes to making a difference for others, I enjoy helping people push their limits and see the joy of learning something new. 

Tell us a story from your past that has really shaped you. What did you learn?

It was september 2013 when I was standing on the ice waiting for the music to start. I knew that this was my only opportunity to qualify for the upcoming Olympic Games in Sochi Russia. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I had worked for this goal my entire life, this was the pinnacle of my career. The music started and I was in the flow. I got a personal best score which resulted in me qualifying and securing a spot for Norway.  It was a magical moment. I became the first figure skater to represent norwegian at the Olympic Games in 50 years. OG in Sochi is my biggest accomplishment in sports. It was a dream come true and an incredible experience.

If you could travel back in time… what piece of advice would to give to yourself ten years ago?

I would tell myself: Listen to your body, find your own balance in training and life.

What does your morning routine look like? How do you maintain balance in your life? What bio or life hack would you like to share with the world?

I’m starting the day with coffee and breakfast. First of all I find it necessary to eat healthy, sleep well and train my body in order to function well.  After a busy week it’s nice to unwind by relaxing or find new energy by being social.

When are you most happy? Where is your happy place?

When reaching a new goal and celebrate it with my fiancé. 

My happy place is when I'm in movement. It could be on the ice, dancing somewhere in the streets/kitchen or walking up a mountain outdoor in the nature.

What’s your favorite type of training? Why is training important for you and your career?

Skating has always been my favorite type of  training, The feeling of  landing difficult jumps is amazing and I absolutely love expressing myself through movement to music that I like. Off the ice I enjoy strength training.

Training makes me happy and I like feeling strong. I feel happy and replenish energy from being in movement. It helps me focus better in school and makes me sleep better.

What’s next? What are your ambitions for the future?

Continue to reach for new goals and personal growth in training, studies, coaching and personal life.