Caroline Roth

Founder and Entrepreneur Stockholm

Over the past 2 decades I have explored the worlds most vibrant cities (in my opinion) working with fashion and with people I could only have dreamt of working with before. I am now easing into a new phase where flexibility and freedom have taken over my priorities in life, thus becoming my own has been crucial to enabling that lifestyle. I love to train outdoors as it is soothing the mind and I have this really pretty neighborhood that I can't seem to get enough of. So while working out I am literally running through a Pinterest feed of inspiration.

Tell us a story from your past that has really shaped you. What did you learn?

I remember as a teenager, standing in our kitchen in my childhood home, my mom looked at me and told me that I could be anything I ever wanted, the choice was mine. That stuck with me and it gave me an immense sense of freedom and possibility. That has shaped my 'yes, I can' attitude towards life. 

If you could travel back in time… what piece of advice would to give to yourself ten years ago?

Don't take everything so seriously. Life is not a competition and what seems to be so important now might not even be worth remembering later. Cut yourself some slack. 

What does your morning routine look like? 

Getting up with the kids in the morning, getting them ready for school. When they're done I have a long nice shower to ease me into the day I have in front of me. Something that really is important to me is before I go to work, I have a nice oat latte and I get into the car and listen to good music. Nothing gets me in a better mood than that. 

How do you maintain balance in your life?

Hahaha, I don't. I can say I try but I never seem to get into that zone. I try to remind myself that my kids will be teenagers soon and won't want to spend time with me as they do now. I try to be present and treasure every moment with them so I have great memories further on. 

When are you most happy? Where is your happy place?

On a Friday night curled up in the sofa with my family around me, watching a movie and with a fire burning in the fireplace. 

My happy place is in my house. I used to travel high and low to find this happy place only to realize I live in it. Its a great feeling. Making sure to make your everyday life your happy place is something that is important to me. I think that is also why interior design is such a big part of my life. 

What’s your favorite type of training? Why is training important for you and your career?

Long strolls and jogs. I have tried boxing and pilates etc. But the feeling of just using what the nature have to offer without having to book a class, get there, have machines and gears etc is what makes me do it. 

It is important for the body and mind to get some training done. Just the feeling of satisfaction after a completed work out  is adding so much to the overall wellbeing. 

What does your training routine look like?

Very scattered. Sometimes I train like a mad person and honestly think to myself that I would never live without it. Other times there can be weeks without me having a routine at all. I would love nothing more than to get into a strict regimen that I kept to. 

What’s next? What are your ambitions for the future?

I have promised myself to strengthen my body and mind simultaneously and have this wild idea that I will run Sthlm Marathon next year, if my knees oblige.